Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Disgusted with DC.

Here we go again with the bull shit out of DC. When the president ran, one of the many lies he told to get elected was that the government will be transparent. To top it off, Ried and all the rest of the Dem idiots had a 5 day, closed door meeting on what they think we want in health much for transparency. I can not believe these people, the same people that were voted in by a majority to represent the people in there state still won't listen. Millions of people have came out against the public option and the entire health care reform bill that keeps growing and they insist on passing it anyway. BUT, Ried added in an exemption for his home state of Nevada. They did not have to take it if they do not want it. I can not wait until the mid term elections to see the look on all these arrogant idiots in the House & the Senate as they are voted out of office. The first one is this asshole we have here in District 8 in Orlando, Rep Alan Grayson. Talk about a low life. I have never met or even seen anyone like him in my life.
And, to top it off, VP Biden attended & cut the ribbon today at a GM plant, that was reopened with OUR tax money used in the bail out bill, reopened a plant. This is a good thing for all the people out of work in Michigan, since they have been hit the worse and have an unemployment rate over 15%. If this last sentence was true, I would be happy to see that our money went to work to help people get back to work. Buy it is NOT. The plant was opened in Wilmington, Delaware....oh yeah did you know that is VP Biden's home state??

I am NOT completely heartless. I do know, having been in the insurance field, some people can not get insurance for pre-existing or can not work to get a group insurance. These are the people we as Americans need to help. They are citizens and under the two aforementioned reasons should get good QUALITY health insurance from the government. The rest of the liberals that think they have it coming to them...what are you thinking. Get up off your ass, get a job and get insurance the same way the rest of us that work get it. I can not fathom a reasonable explanation for the government mandating insurance for those too lazy to get a job. Look how well it is working in Mass...NOT!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

What does the world think of our transparent president.

A very good friend of mine emailed me this video he found on You Tube. Robert Fisk starts his commentary about 2:30 into this video, but if you have time PLEASE view it all. Robert Fisk has rapidly become my new hero.
The white house likes to believe that our Nobel winning president is loved and admired by all. I think this video says it all.
2:30 into this video take a listen to Robert Fisk for the Independent

As most of us, here in America think our president is NOT able to run this country with out his own personal agenda coming first it has started to spread world wide. Just the fact that the news people at MSNBC & CNN were shocked and appalled, live on the air when Chicago was eliminated FIRST from the Olympic voting. They ALL were reporting on how everyone was rushing to get a photo of the president while he was in Europe with his wife & of all people Oprah (ON OUR TAX DOLLARS mind you) just the tone of their voices when we were eliminated was priceless. Just the fact that our president is out golfing when our troops need orders from our commander in chief makes me sick.
As every day passes, more people are realizing just how full of shit the president really is.
He is a good speaker and has that Martin Luther preacher voice that always gets everyones attention. People are seeing right through that as well.
Now the latest thing is the Internet Czar, is going to look into limiting content on the internet. This only a week after the white house called out Glenn Beck & FOX news team as a opponent just because they do not have answers to the questions that are being asked of them. They are going to try their hardest to try to shut down conservatives like Mr. Beck, Rush, Hannity, you, and me and everyone else that does not support their liberal Communist agenda. The person WE are paying to watch Glenn Beck, Anita Dunn, admires Chairman Mao and was found openly admitting it while addressing a class. How dare she put Mao & Mother Theresa in the same sentence. Mao, murdered MILLIONS just to get and hold his position of power. This is her favorite political philosopher....what the hell is this??? Than when asked, she said said she was joking. She is the joke here. It makes me sick that we have a president that has put communists around him. GOD please help us!!
I will not have anyone shut me up. Under the Bill of Rights, I have a right to say what ever the hell I please. Once they shut up that fat bastard Michael Moore then just then maybe I will be quiet. Until then they all can kiss my ass!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to B.Hussein Obama....

The president won the Nobel Peace Prize. I am so flabbergasted that a man can qualify for this prestigious award after being in office for 11 days and win it for his IDEA to rid nuclear weapons.....what an original thought. That is as stupid as giving A-Rod the MVP in April for him saying he was going to hit 65 home runs 150 RBI and win the world series before the season even starts. Ronald Regan ended the Cold War with out firing one shot in the most AWESOME bluff ever and he did not get it. I wonder what he is going to do with the $1.4 Million that comes with the award? He should refuse the award and guve it to someone that has really worked for it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Cookie Nazi's have Spoken

Having grown up in NY, I always said as I grew older I will never have my children go to school in NY. On top of the ever growing liberal rhetoric in the classrooms, now the food police have ceased the fund raising ability a bake sale since, probably the pilgrims. A liberal nutritionist appeared on the Neil Cavutto show tonight on FOX. In short, the people in NY decided it was not a good example to set for our children to have bake sales to help sport teams or just children in general raise much needed funds due to the 40% obesity rate of the children in the NY school system. The nutritionist said, teaching the children to eat correctly will help in lowering the cost of health insurance costs later. I have always said it, why can't the powers that be hold the parents responsible for the condition of there children?? As a parent, I know if I give my child McDonald's everyday because i am too laze to cook a good meal is not healthy for my child. Remember the parent that sued McDonald's because her son was grossly over weight? That was the worse case of child abuse I have ever seen! But the state did not take the child away after feeding the child McDonalds more than 3 to 4 times a week just because he wanted it. And, it was McDonalds fault the kid was fat. it is parents like this that do not disserve to have children in the first place. I can not understand now why hillary said it takes a village to raise a is because of incompitent parents like this that do not know how to raise and nurish their children. I know I am not perfect, but if I had to choose for my children grilled chichen, & rice or a Big Mac & fries, I am going for the chicken!
Teach our kids how to eat proportionatly. This is just another way the liberals want to surrender control of there lives to the goverment by having them make decisions for them. I will raise my own children, my parents did a good job raising me with out an entire village and I will do the same for mine.

Congratulations Brazil

Ask anyone that knows me, I am as red blooded an American as anyone. I would love nothing more than to have the Olympics here every 2 years now with the split of the summer and the winter games. BUT, I have been over joyed with the fact that not only are we not having the Olympics in Chicago, but they were voted out in the first round. I will never forget that day, driving in my car listening to Glenn Beck when he announced the results. The anointed one is mortal!!!! Now I am scared. He could not negotiate a game, but it shows his lack on negotiating power with other words leaders. He has shown a BIG weakness and other leaders will prey on that weakness.
I sincere congratulations to the Brazilians.
God help us all.

Michael Moore is the reason abortion should be legal.

I have never watched nor will I ever give my money to someone that who is so anti capitalism, but has become a multi millionaire due to his home movies....that is really all it is....or how the liberals call it a documentary. I just want to ask the liberals ONE question and ONE question only. What has Michael Moore done for you, or anyone at that with the millions he has made in these documentaries?? Someone that hates capitalism so much is living very comfortably on the money he made from the liberals. An anti-capitalist made tens of millions of liberals dollars. How stupid are you people. You will never get it...ever.
I am going to explain the reason for my title. Liberals feel it is a womans choice to have an abortion, I DO is murder! But, I just can not think what if certain people were never born. Just how different the liberal world would be if his mother had an abortion. Think for a second, every liberal person you praise for the job they are doing....what if their mothers aborted them in the first trimester???